Gembox workbook must contain at least one worksheet.
Gembox workbook must contain at least one worksheet.

gembox workbook must contain at least one worksheet.

Var worksheet = įoreach (var excelWorksheet in )Įxception Stack: System.ArgumentException : An item with the same key has already been added.Īt (ExceptionResource resource)Īt `2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)Īt `2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)Īt (String Name, ExcelRangeBase Range)Īt ()Īt _Workbook() using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(sourceFilePath))) When I try either of the following methods I get a System.ArgumentException : An item with the same key has already been added. MyFile = Dir(MyDir & "*.xls*") 'change file extensionįrNg.Copy Wb.Worksheets("Consolidated").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).I'm using the 3.1 release of EPPlus library to try to access a worksheet in an Excel file. With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) Sub Combined_Sheets()ĭim MyFile As String, MyDir As String, Wb As Workbook Workbook style can either be built-in or user-defined. This default style is CellStyleCollectiongetNormal. Workbook must always contain at least one master style which cannot be removed and is, by default, referenced by all cells. Here is the complete version of what I would use in your situation. Workbook contains a set of master styles which can be referenced by multiple cells. Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell))įrNg.Copy Wb.Worksheets("Consolidated").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) Then you can loop through each sheet and copy the ranges to your "Consolidated" sheet. Using OleDb, it behaves as if you were writing to a table using sql. It is possible to write to an excel file without opening it using the .4.0 and OleDb. Text 'Hello World' //Saving the workbook to disk in XLSX format workbook.

gembox workbook must contain at least one worksheet.


I just used this line in the code to pick the folder With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) assemblies from trial setup or from the NuGet feed, you also have to add Syncfusion. I was having issue with your getfolder function as well. Your code does work, but there are a lot of unnecessary steps. You can create a new worksheet in three different ways: Click on the down arrow next to the New Workbook icon on the toolbar and select Worksheet: Use the Ctrl+Alt+W key combination to get the same result. To hide, delete, or move the selected sheet(s), you first insert a new sheet or unhide a sheet that is already hidden. It is easier to organize and locate information in your workbook by using multiple worksheets when working with many data. In this case the output file must contain two columns in each line, which are separated by at least one. By default, every workbook contains at least one worksheet in it. A little cross indicates the location of the. I am getting following error while running it.Ī workbook must contain at least one visible worksheet. A worksheet is a collection of cells(It is a basic data unit in the worksheet), where you can store and manipulate data. I made sure to delete two of them so I can have just the code for the one created, as I assumed the OpenXML 2.0 Productivity tool would only generate code for the sheet that existed at the time document code was put together. If (Not oFolder Is Nothing) Then GetFolder = Also, in the original template, there were 3 sheets in my workbook. Set oFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder", 0) If wks.Name "Consolidated" Then wks.Delete Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).SelectĪctiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Offset(1, 0).Select Workbooks(Filename).Close savechanges:=False EXCEL 2010 FOR ACCOUNTING, CHAPTER 1 QUIZ: A workbook must contain at least three worksheets ANSWER FALSE Excel includes common functions such as SUM and AVERAGE ANSWER TRUE A cell can also be referred to as a field ANSWER TRUE There are more rows in an Excel spreadsheet than there are cells ANSWER FALSE J42 is an example of a cell. Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True, CorruptLoad:=xlRepairFile The code is part of my personal macro workbook. I am trying to combine more than one excel files placed in a specific folder into one worksheet using following code.

Gembox workbook must contain at least one worksheet.